The hoopla over Rep. Wilson's outburst during the president's address to a joint session of Congress is amusing. Where was the uproar over Hillary's insolent eye rolling, pouting, and blatant disrespect of President Bush immediately following 9/11? I'm no Bush fan, but you would think these whiners would try to at least pretend to be consistent.
In an absurd episode of pot versus kettle, the chairman of the National Newspaper Publisher's Association has declared that Wilson's cry of, "You lie!" is racist. That's right; you cannot claim that a president is lying to Congress (Clinton already made that okay) without being racist.
A tool named Danny Bakewell stated,
"Rep. Wilson's remarks were racist, disrespectful, and a disingenuous violation -- not only of President Obama -- but to the institution of the presidency and only solidified our position and the importance in not spending black dollars where black people are not respected."
Black dollars? I haven't seen those. I wonder if this guy realizes what a racist nutjob he sounds like?
The Associated Press, in all of their journalistic charm, decided against the pleas of, well, everyone, and distributed a graphic photograph of a maimed, dying Marine. The father of young Lance Corporal Joshua Bernard, and even the Secretary of Defense, personally asked the AP to not publish the photo.
The AP decided that they are somehow classier by distributing the photo of the dying Marine.
"The story and photos are in themselves a respectful treatment and recognition of sacrifice," said AP senior managing editor John Daniszewski.
"Respectful treatment?" Are you kidding me? I hope that Mr Daniszewski dies on the shitter, and a photo of the event is published nationwide, in order to give the death a proper and "respectful treatment."