A warm wish for a happy Thanksgiving to everyone that stumbles across my little speed-bump on the information super-highway. I hope that yours went better than it did for the critter pictured above.
We had a much smaller Thanksgiving than we are accustomed to. We usually have several young Marines over, hoping to brighten their holiday a bit, but we were unable to do that with our moving situation. We still have stacks of boxes in our house, so we were in no shape to have a house full of young, hungry Marines. Instead, I had one Marine, a friend of mine that I've known for over 15 years, over to share our meal.
A good time was had by all, and it was very tame. I probably stayed up too late talking to my friend, but I enjoyed it. He seemed to enjoy it as well, and was returning from his Haikido dojo at about the time that I was getting out of bed this morning (he's a very dedicated individual).
I could get used to quiet Thanksgiving celebrations, but I will probably not get the chance for a few more years. We will probably continue to have groups of young Marines in our home for future holidays. It just seems like the right thing to do (and we enjoy it). My friend will, hopefully, be able to join us for those celebrations as well.
Don't you just love moving? I hate it. It's official; it sucks. I've done it plenty of times while a member of this gun club, but this one beats them all. We have one week; start to finish. That's our timeline. Joy.
We've moved out of the "projects," and into a house that has an extra bedroom. Since we were in a high-rise building, it will be nice to have a yard. We'll also have neighbors that are closer to our age and, perhaps, not as slovenly as the pigs that we lived with in our last housing.
Our new house is currently stacked with boxes, and we have a ton of unpacking to do (well, three tons actually...that was the final tally of the weight). My wife will be going over to the old house in the morning to clean, while I stay at the new house to shuffle boxes around, unpack, and make room for our shipment of furniture that is arriving sometime tomorrow. More joy.
I must have a short memory. I must have forgotten how much I hate moving. Perhaps there's a chemical in the cardboard that makes me forget...or I'm just forgetful.
I also started my next term at school this week. Well, the term started anyway. I didn't exactly start anything, except moving three tons of crap from one house to another. I'll get some school work done sometime this week, I hope...now which box did I pack those books in...one of the brown ones maybe...
The Road is a work of art that anyone who is having a bad day should read. Is your outlook grim? Read The Road. The setting is artfully depicted with both tone and style. Not only is the plot grim, but the writing style is as well. Throughout the work, various cues enhance the sense of nothingness and despair.
The Road is a page turner, not because it's packed with action, although there is some of that, but because it is well written, and compels the reader to seek more. Throughout the book, I was hoping for things that almost didn't come. The author's use of archaic terminology adds to the sense of primitive existence. The relationship between father and son is perfectly demonstrated, with hints at willingness and sacrifice on an extreme level.
I cannot give much more away without "ruining it" for you, but suffice it to say that this book is well worth the read. It's not a long read, and you'll find yourself thinking about it for days, maybe even weeks, after you've put it down.
Last night was my unit's Marine Corps Birthday Ball. A good time was had by all, including my "date." Once again, my daughter accompanied me, and she was a big hit.
I was the Commander of Troops for the ceremony, and I didn't booger the sequence of events too badly (kidding, it went off without a hitch).
PAO (Public Affairs Office) had a couple of Marines there taking copious photographs, and they took a few of my daughter and me dancing. I hope to get copies soon.
In keeping with the tradition of the Ball, the younger Marines were well behaved, and they minded their manners until the C.O. departed. Once the C.O. left, somebody told a group of young Leathernecks that were congregating around the keg that, "Elvis has left the building." The young warriors then rolled the keg out onto the dance floor, and the festivities began in earnest. Nobody got out of hand, and our entire unit had a great time celebrating our Corps' 232nd birthday.